About Me

Hello. I’m the Introverted Engineer.

If you’d like to know the purpose of this blog then head on over to my first post: You’re an Introvert?

Who I Am. My Mission.

I’m an Engineering Director at The New York Times. I’ve always enjoyed software engineering, but a newer passion of mine is focused around leadership. I enjoy mentoring others, both managers and individual contributors. That’s why I’ve made this blog.

Every topic I write about is inspired by a real life experience I have. My goal at the end of every post is to leave you with something truly valuable. I enjoy what I do, and hope that shows in everything I write.

My Backstory. (maybe I’ll share more in the future… maybe…)

I still remember the first time I realized the power of the web. It was middle school, and a classmate of mine had made her first website. It was a hockey fansite for the Detroit Red Wings, full of all the amazing flashy animated gifs a kid could ever want. I asked her how she did it. She said try Angelfire. The rest was history.

From that point on, I spent my time learning web development (and the glory of table layouts). I went fansite crazy making ones for Pokémon, Dragonball Z, and gaming. All the things of a fun childhood. By the time I hit high school, I knew more than the teachers and began exploring the design aspect of web development via Photoshop and Flash.

Fast forward past a Computer Science degree and many years working for agencies and you’ll find me where I am now. Through all those years I gained a love for coding, design, and marketing, but leadership and strategy somehow got mixed into all of it. Once I got a taste, I knew this was something I wanted to pursue.

That’s really how I ended up becoming an Engineering Manager, and I’m loving it. The chance to not only lead with a technical vision, but to help develop others to do the same has been extremely rewarding. This blog is an extension of that passion, and I hope you find a lot of benefit in what I write about.

Follow me on Twitter @introvertedeng and Facebook @introvertedengineer. Oh, and, yes, I’m on LinkedIn too.