If you’re running multiple sites on a single server (using Server Name Indication), you might be running into issues using openssl s_client to validate your SSL certificate. Make sure you’re using the -servername flag, otherwise your verification may fail. For example, when checking my blog, I needed to make sure I included everything here: openssl… [Continue Reading]
Software Engineering
Guides, snippets, and best practices is what we want as software engineers, so that’s what I hope to provide to everyone. If you’re not a software engineer, then don’t let this section scare you :).
MySQL 5.7 and sql_mode troubles with Google Cloud SQL
I recently had to port an old database over to a new Google Cloud SQL instance that was running MySQL 5.7. I had done this so many times in the past with previous versions of MySQL, so I didn’t think much of it. Boy was I in for a surprise. It turns out MySQL 5.7… [Continue Reading]
Resolving PCI Compliance Issues on CentOS7/RedHat/Linux
I just finished moving over an e-commerce website from a shared host to its own virtual private server and ran into a ton of PCI compliance issues. For those of you with experience dealing with PCI compliance scans, you know the headache dealing with your cases. If you’ve gotten a ton of flags for httpd… [Continue Reading]
Fixing Permission Denied on CentOS7 (SELinux)
You’ve configured your server, setup permissions properly, and still you get the frustrating error message: Permission denied in /var/www/… on line xyz. If you’re using a newer linux based OS, chances are you’ve overlooked SELinux and need to also set the proper permissions for write access to your directory and files. If you have a WordPress, Joomla,… [Continue Reading]
How to Setup Free SSL Certificates for your Website in 15 Minutes
I had no idea, until today, that you could get a 100% valid and free SSL certificate for your website. I just set it up for this blog and now I’m HTTPS compatible with a green secure icon, and I paid nothing! Shout-out to @ericlaw for the tip. There’s absolutely no reason every website shouldn’t… [Continue Reading]
Cloud SQL Proxy: can’t connect to remote MySQL server
I struggled for a while trying to get Google Cloud SQL to proxy properly on Compute Engine. Google has a guide to do this, but I continuously received an error saying mysql_connect(): Can’t connect to remote MySQL server or #2003 Cannot log in to the MySQL server. After a ton of time wasted thinking that… [Continue Reading]
Multiple Domains for Your Site in Apache
This’ll be a small guide for those of you managing multiple domain names for your site or blog. Say, for example, your domain name is, grandmashirelyshow.com, most likely you’ll also want thegrandmashirelyshow.com, and you might even own the .net and .org version too. Now you have all these domains, but you just have a single blog… [Continue Reading]
Google App Engine and WordPress Guide
Google App Engine seems like a great choice for setting up a WordPress blog, and because I wanted more experience with Google Cloud Platform (GCP) I gave it a try. My overall assessment, however, is that App Engine isn’t the right choice right now and you’re better of using Compute Engine (or Container Engine) for… [Continue Reading]