You’ve configured your server, setup permissions properly, and still you get the frustrating error message: Permission denied in /var/www/… on line xyz. If you’re using a newer linux based OS, chances are you’ve overlooked SELinux and need to also set the proper permissions for write access to your directory and files. If you have a WordPress, Joomla,… [Continue Reading]
Cloud SQL Proxy: can’t connect to remote MySQL server
I struggled for a while trying to get Google Cloud SQL to proxy properly on Compute Engine. Google has a guide to do this, but I continuously received an error saying mysql_connect(): Can’t connect to remote MySQL server or #2003 Cannot log in to the MySQL server. After a ton of time wasted thinking that… [Continue Reading]
Multiple Domains for Your Site in Apache
This’ll be a small guide for those of you managing multiple domain names for your site or blog. Say, for example, your domain name is,, most likely you’ll also want, and you might even own the .net and .org version too. Now you have all these domains, but you just have a single blog… [Continue Reading]