Identity Shift: 4 Steps to Transforming Into a More Positive Contributor

Identity Shift: 4 Steps to Transforming into a More Positive Contributor

It’s not always easy to stay positive. Everyone is entitled to feeling the emotions they feel. Anyone who tells you otherwise isn’t doing justice to the fact that people have complex needs. When we look at others, we shouldn’t be so quick to judge if they don’t always seem positive or in a good mood. For yourself, however, you should set… [Continue Reading]

Look What I Can Do: 4 Steps to Surviving Layoffs

Look What I Can Do: 4 Steps to Surviving Layoffs

It’s inevitable that no matter where we work, eventually we’ll experience a round of layoffs that’ll swoop up our colleagues. The unease, uncertainty, and stress this can cause… sucks—there’s no better word for it. What many people don’t realize, however, is that just because you’re skilled, doesn’t mean you’re safe. Stuart had worked at the company… [Continue Reading]